Creepers are in. Not the ones from the movie, Jeepers Creepers, no. I mean the shoes.
En les dedican un articulo contando su historia, y la disenadora de joyas Patricia Nicolas, de la que ya os hable en otro post, se ha hecho con unos de Des Moines y en su blog Stylish Disorientation, nos los recomienda para un dia de turisteo.
In they dedicate them an article, and the jewelry designer Patricia Nicolas, about who I already spoke about in another post, has acquired ones from Des Moines and recommends them for a tourism day on her blog Stylish Disorientation.
Otra cosa que sigue muy de moda, son las tachuelas. Se ven por todas partes y en todo tipo de prendas aunque a mi particularmente me gustan en los zapatos planos que ya he visto de todos los colores, pero sobretodo en negro.
Another thing that's still totally in, are studs. You can see them everywhere although I particularly like them on flats, that I've also seen in various colours but mainly in black.
Hace poco, paseando por Covent Garden, vi a una chica que lucia ambas cosas y me encanto en look. Las tachas en las hombreras de un jersey manga tres quartos y degradado en gris. Llevaba una falda negra tambien muy en boga y sus creepers.
Little ago, in Covent Garden, I saw a girl wearing both trends and I loved the look. She was wearing a grey wool top with studded shoulder pads. Also a skirt which is also totally in and black creepers.
Para las mas manitas, te puede customizar la ropa con tachuelas o incluso hacerte unos creepers. En B a la moda DIY y en A pair and a spare, te dicen como.
For those more skillful. you can customize your clothes with studs or even make yourselves a pair of creepers. In B a la moda DIY and in A pair and a spare, they tell you how.
Que tendencia os gusta mas? A que prenda le pondriais tachas?
What trend do you like most? What would you stud?
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